Rights to Runescape.com Please watch in 720p. It is an excellent place to train for medium-level players because Al-Kharid warriors have high Hitpoints but a low combat level, making this a great place to train Attack, Strength and Defence up to level 25-30. Combat experience: 35.7
","aggressive":false,"release_update_post":"Newsletter 1","aff_weakness":90,"style":"[[File:Attack-icon.png¦25px¦link=Melee]]","lifepoints":650,"max_magic":0,"members":"No","weakness":"[[File:Water weakness icon.png¦25px¦link=Water spells]]","level":18,"magic":1,"poisonous":false,"experience":35.7} It used to be an excellent place to train for medium-level players before the introduction of the EoC system, because Al Kharid Warriors had a high constitution but a low combat level. All Combat experience: 35.7
All Life points: 650 All Is members only: false
Al Kharid Warriors are guards of Al Kharid found in the palace. Currently, they would only do so if the player attacking the warrior is outside the targeted warrior's wander radius (e.g. [Free] ikk's Al-Kharid Warriors [Food] [Potions] [Looting] Sign in to follow this . 3 0 0. When one warrior is attacked, the others will attempt to attack you as well. All NPC ID: 18 The perfect way to train up medium level accounts and make a lot of money looting herbs!
Release date: 21 January 2001 Life points: 650 Is members only: false When one warrior is attacked, the others will attempt to attack you as well. Enjoy this video?
Combat level: 18
Followers 0 [Free] ikk's Al-Kharid Warriors [Food] [Potions] [Looting] By ikk, January 13, 2016 in Combat & Prayer. Recommended Posts. You can also buy The warriors are fairly well known for their great low-level herb drop rate.
Average Combat XP per hour: Average HP XP per hour: Where Found: Al kharid palace, east of the bank: Drops: Bones, Coins (3-10), Bronze bolts, Herbs, Fire rune (6), Mind rune (9), Cabbage, Chaos runes (2), Bronze med helm, bronze arrows, Clue Scroll (level-1), Earth talisman, Copper ore. All Release date: 21 January 2001 Al Kharid Warriors are guards of Al Kharid found in the palace..
Money Making Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/eocmoneymakingguides Hey guys!
Al-Kharid warriors are guards of Al Kharid found in the palace. Bandits are attackable criminals that can be found at the Kharidian Desert Bandit Camp. NPC ID: 18 Start the script from anywhere
Some players may choose to gather as many warriors as they can which makes levelling up easier.
Prior to the Evolution of Combat update, attacking one Al Kharid warrior would always cause nearby warriors to attack as well. ikk 46 ikk 46 Steel Poster; Members; 46 140 posts; Trader Feedback.
Makes you a lot of money looting herbs in p2p ( up to 150k+ an hour! ) T ri Al-Kharid Warrior Fighter V2. They are fairly well organised and structured, and are amongst the only NPCs in the game to show loyalty to Zaros. Reply to this topic; Start new topic; Prev; 1; 2; Next; Page 1 of 2 . Total Rating 100%. All Combat level: 18 AFK Combat Training // Bandits Done Right // 99% AFK - YouTube It is an excellent place to train for medium-level players because Al-Kharid warriors have high Hitpoints but a low combat level, making this a great place to train Attack, Strength and Defence up to level 25-30. From the RuneScape Wiki, the wiki for all things RuneScapeThe Old School RuneScape Wiki also has an article on: The RuneScape Classic Wiki also has an article on: {"ranged":1,"attack":13,"acc_ranged":0,"acc_magic":0,"acc_melee":234,"name":"Al Kharid warrior","max_spec":0,"aff_ranged":45,"max_melee":52,"defence":13,"max_ranged":0,"id":"18","armour":234,"aff_melee":55,"aff_magic":65,"release_date":"21 January 2001","examine":"Part of Al Kharid's elite fighting force. Features: Kills level 18 Al-Kharid warriors in Al-Kharid Earns a lot of xp! Before Al Kharid Warriors' graphical update, they had a purple shirt, a white helm, a Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Al-Kharid warriors are guards of Al Kharid found in the palace. It used to be an excellent place to train for medium-level players before the introduction of the EoC system, because Al Kharid Warriors had a high constitution but a low combat level.