All Harry Potter Movies Ranked Worst to Best by Tomatometer When he learned that she was pregnant with an When going to see the Engineer, David was asked by Shaw about the Engineers carrying bioweapons, at which point David explained his patricidal outlook, reasoning that destruction was a form of creation and that all creations yearned to see their creators dead.
Quotes tagged as "prometheus" Showing 1-20 of 20 “This belonged to my sister-in-law," Prometheus explained. These include wandering the halls of the ship, riding bicycles and playing basketball (simultaneously even), learning ancient languages, and watching films (particularly Lawrence of Arabia). "As in Pandora's box?" – Charlie Holloway. It doesn't matter why they changed their minds.Because I deserve to know the truth. Take us home!- Meredith VickersIf we don't stop it, there won't be any home to go back to!- Elizabeth Shaw. If you checked out our Alien trivia post yesterday, you know that Alien: Covenant is a 2017 science fiction horror movie that is the sequel to the 2012 movie, Prometheus. BAFTA Television Award Winners 2020: The Full List After Shaw survived her battle with the Engineer, David assured her that it was possible for her to escape the planet, but only if she brought him with her, as only he could navigate the alien craft. As such, he planned to sacrifice the crew of the David decapitated, but still functional, says goodbye to his dying "father," Peter Weyland.The Last Engineer decapitating android David's head before smacking Weyland with it.Concept art of David unleashing a swarm of locust-like creatures upon the Engineers.David 8, shortly after rescuing the crew of the USCSS Covenant.David's actor's (Michael Fassbender) height is 5ft 10 ¾ (179.7 cm), so that is also how tall David would have been.Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.
In 2091, he was assigned to the crew of the USCSS Prometheus for its mission to LV-223, and was one of the two survivors of the disastrous expedition, along with Dr. Elizabeth S…
Anything and everythingHow far would you go, to get what you came all this way for?Miss Vickers, is there an agenda that you are not telling us about?If we don't stop it, there won't be any home to go back to! May I ask what you hope to achieve by going there?They created us. We were so wrong. I deserve to know why.I want to know why they created us humans, then suddenly decided to destroy us.The answer is irrelevant.
[in an alien chamber] Prometheus, are you seeing this?
Its inevitable. We must leave!Can you imagine how disappointing it would be for you to hear the same thing from your creator?I didn't think you had it in you. Upon arriving at their homeworld, David — having come to the conclusion that the Engineers and humans were equally inferior to androids — used the ship's armory of Steatite Ampules to wipe out the Engineer civilization on After a brutal fight, David killed or disabled Walter and amputated one of his hands to disguise himself as his "brother," as well as donning Walter's clothing and replacing his voice box with Walter's.
David: ... Elizabeth Shaw: Final report of the vessel Prometheus. A lump formed in my throat. A quote can be a single line from one character or a memorable dialog between several characters. "I don't know how this box business got started. The ship and her entire crew are gone. While he assists his human companions in their interstellar expedition to meet their creators, the extraterrestrial Engineers, David is obsessed with the concept of creating life o There is only death here now, and I'm leaving it behind. Prometheus shook his head. He was proven sorely wrong when it decapitated him and killed the others, with the exception of Shaw, who managed to escape during the massacre. He expressed to Shaw his desire for Weyland to die, possibly to free himself or because he disagreed with Weyland's desire for an extended life. You won't talk to them. David : Big things have small beginnings. Have a good journey, Mr. Weyland.
To get answers. Sidney Poitier’s 7 Most Memorable Performances Best Prometheus Quotes. A king has his reign and then he diesâ?¦ it's inevitable.A king has his reign and then he dies, it's inevitable. Get the freshest reviews, news, and more delivered right to your inbox!