4,2 K J’aime. I just watched the movie. 6 out of 8 found this helpful. Un Profil Pour Deux. Un Profil Pour Deux. 13 out of 17 found this helpful. cinéma - 99 min - 2017 - tous publics. so, an invitation to escape in a familiar and comfortable universe. second, for its simplicity who use new elements only for the rehabilitation of classic French comedy. Celui-ci visite un site de rencontre et tombe sur le profil de Flora. Was this review helpful? Using the profile picture of Alex, his grand daughter's boyfriend, Pierre meets Flora. Released by Larghetto in 2017 containing music from Un profil pour deux (2017). As to those characters, they're played mostly for laughs, too, except the three leads who have to carry the romance and drama. 2 out of 3 found this helpful. The photograph set in the Parisian streets is well achieved. 2 out of 2 found this helpful. Fortunately there a story to follow and that makes up at least for the lack of original jokes in the movie. 2 out of 2 found this helpful. That's because the story feels extremely contrived - you don't mind that for a comedy, but anything more serious falls flat if you can't believe in the story or the characters. This is where Fanny Valette (Fanny) comes into play. Il lui cache son âge et sa véritable identitié et la charme grâce à ses talents d'écriture. Unless you are pretty old like the grandpa there are 0 funny jokes. After three short films, this is also his third full feature film and we will see if it can get as popular as "All Together". Annee de production: 12 avril 2017 Genre: Comédie Qualité Dvdrip French. Sa grande fille s'inquiète et lui propose de découvrir les joies d'internet. With an excellent script, nothing heavy and with a very agile rhythm. Le jeune homme accepte, ment à la jeune femme mais parvient à la séduire. Il découvre les joies d’internet grâce à Alex, un jeune homme embauché par sa fille pour lui enseigner les rudiments de l’informatique. avec : Pierre Richard, Yaniss Lespert, Fanny Valette, Stéphanie Crayencour, Stéphane Bissot, Macha Méril, Gustave Kervern, Pierre Kiwitt, Anna Bederke, Philippe Chaine. He was probably the main reason why I enjoyed this 100-minute movie. Directed by Stéphane Robelin. Un profil pour deux . "Un profil pour deux" or "Mr. Stein Goes Online" is a French movie from this year (2017), very recent release written and directed by Stéphane Robelin. Was this review helpful? The plot unfolds in due time. At times it was uncomfortable to watch, as it seemed like it was a creepy old man who needed a haircut that was creeping on younger women online. First, because it is an old fashion love story. He may be first-cast here even, but still I would say that Yannis Lespert's character (Alex) is much more in the center of it all. I find it very luminous, it is never boring. Was this review helpful? Was this review helpful? As the story progressed, I was pulled in. Was this review helpful? No doubt, his purpose as a comedy is well achieved, because he could make me laugh enough. ajouter aux favoris retirer des favoris . If it does, then this will be mostly thanks to longtime French actor Pierre Richard, who is mostly known for the crime comedies he starred in next to Gérard Depardieu. UN PROFIL POUR DEUX, le 12 avril au cinéma 5 out of 8 found this helpful. Il découvre les joies d'internet grâce à Alex, un jeune homme embauché par sa fille pour lui enseigner les rudiments de l'informatique. Rendez-vous est pris à Bruxelles, mais Pierre demande à Alex d'y aller à sa place. Was this review helpful? 1h 41min. "Un profil pour deux" or "Mr. Stein Goes Online" is a French movie from this year (2017), very recent release written and directed by Stéphane Robelin. Pierre, veuf et retraité, ne sort plus de chez lui depuis deux ans. Le jeune Alex vient donner des cours au vieil homme. While Pierre Richard and Fanny Valette are excellent, Yaniss Lespert seems miscast, he's the weakest part of the trio. Depuis la mort de sa femme, Pierre s'ennuie et vit en ermite. With Pierre Richard, Yaniss Lespert, Fanny Valette, Stéphane Bissot. The soundtrack, repetitive and orchestrated with instruments used in the tango, seems to me excellent. avec : Pierre Richard, Yaniss Lespert, Fanny Valette, Stéphanie Crayencour, Stéphane Bissot, Macha Méril, Gustave Kervern, Pierre Kiwitt, Anna Bederke, Philippe Chaine Inscrivez vous maintenant pour profiter de l’offre france.tv pleinement ! Un profil pour deux Comédie , DVDRiP / BDRiP , Romance Ajouter un commentaire Pierre, veuf et retraité, ne sort plus de chez lui depuis deux ans. Charmed by his elegant conversations and intimate confessions, she asks him on a date, face to face. I really recommend this movie. His character's name is Pierre as well. The ambient décor of Monsieur Pierre's apartment permeates the film with an atmosphere of nostalgia, denoting the state of widowhood of Pierre, who progressively becomes a stage with more life, after he starts using the internet. In his 80s now, he proves to audiences and himself that he can still carry a film nicely.
I love this movie. It has a moderate pace.